Suited Up with The Black Tux

"Dressing well is a form of good manners."
-Tom Ford
Since my I was a boy and my mom dressed me up in suits and bowties, I've enjoyed getting fancy. As a music major in college, I always opted for the 3-piece-suit for recitals and performances, even at 9AM--often with matching ties that matched my shirt. Extra, I know. It was 2009, cut me some slack.
I like to think I've added a little more nuance to my wardrobe and style preferences since those college days, and my latest discovery is the genius of The Black Tux. Instead of buying a new suit every time I have an event, TBT makes it easy to rent the perfect look for nearly any occasion. Excited to share some photos from two different looks: a trip to the opening night at the Lyric Opera, and a trip to Paris.
A Night at the Opera
Final checks in #Studio1037.
Red Carpet looks with the always fabulous Daina, AKA @agentlewoman. Photo by @mushroomstew
Photo by @mushroomstew.
Intermission. Photo by Greg Birman (@gregbirman)
Greg & Nika.
Bravo, Lyric Opera!
Time to go.
Away in Paris
In search of something a little more casual, I rented the Tan suit from TBT and paired it with my favorite dress shoes, and (inspired by a bouquet of roses I got for the week) a floral print scarf from the Bastille Market. Voila, an ascot!
Photos by @trelawnydavis

Wesley Taylor is a portrait and lifestyle photographer who enjoys capturing what it felt like to be there.